Hacks To Gain Highly Engaging Followers On Instagram That Will Skyrocket Profile Popularity Faster Than You Think

Voight Thornton
2 min readJan 17, 2017


With all of the changes to the Facebook news feed algorithm, businesses are now focusing on building their Instagram followers and engagement. I am going to lay out the 25 techniques, used by Instagram pros, that will help you get tens of thousands of highly engaged followers. These followers will like, comment, and even sign up to your email list.

#1 Post Daily to Build a Residual Base of Engagement

In order to gain a true following on Instagram, it is absolutely vital that you post on a normal basis. Try to post at least once a day, but more than this is always good too. I post five times everyday. Overtime, this creates a base of residual engagement and new followers. A study by L2 found that big brands increased their average posting frequency to 9.3 posts per week in Q4 of 2014, which is up from 7.5 posts per week in Q4 of 2013.

#2 Know What Times The Majority Of Your Followers Are Active And Take Advantage

The time that you post your content is crucial. You need to know when the majority of your followers are online and active, because if you post while no one is there, then no one will see it. Identify the 3–5 peaks during the day to create your posting schedule around. If you want to take this a step further, then you can have time specific images and quotes. For example, you could post a quote in the morning about seizing the day. It hits them at the right moment with exactly what they need.

